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Western history’s most important battles
A journey through twelve of the most important battles in Western history. Michael Walsh brings history to life as he considers a group of courageous commanders and the battles they waged that became crucial to the course of Western history. He looks first at Carl Von Clausewitz, the seminal thinker in the Western canon dealing with war. He then moves on to Achilles at Ilium, Alexander at Gaugamela, Caesar at Alesia, Constantine at the Milvian Bridge, Aetius at the Catalaunian Plains, Bohemond at Dorylaeum and Antioch, Napoleon at Austerlitz, Pershing at St.-Mihiel, Nimitz at Midway and Patton at the Bulge with a final consideration of how the Battle of 9/11 was ultimately lost by the U.S. and what that portends for the future.
Review Quote
“A fascinating and engaging 3,000-year walk through military history and the complex interplay between war and the world about it."―Victor Davis Hanson
Additional Book Details
Pages: | 400 |
Release Date: | January 28, 2025 |
ISBN: | 9781250281364 |
Club ID: | 1430815 |
Format: | Regular Print |